What happens when you die?
The Allure of the supernatural! The mystifying, the unknown....Television interviewers feature popular figures claiming to have had contact with their dead loved ones now living in the spirit world....sooner or later, death is an uninvited, unwanted guest that inevitably knocks at everyone’s door. But where does man go at death, if anywhere?[1]
Find out the truth in what the bible says about this mysterious subject.
"One of satan's most contemptible lies is that at the end, God will burn sinners forever in the fires of hell. Can you imagine a more warped, unspeakable, brazen lie? No wonder some have found this picture of God so revolting they have abandoned all belief in His existence!"[2]
But the truth is...."that such a God is the devious product of the devil's own perverted imagination."....Satan's constant effort in his war against Heaven is to hold up before himself a mirror, and then try to persuade us that the reflection we see there is God. Don't be taken in....God is not the author of death, satan is. God is not to blame for suffering and sorrow, satan is.[2]
Some Christians teach that, in one moment of time, millions of people around the world suddenly disappear leaving their clothes, shoes, and eye glasses in a pile on the floor.
They say that Jesus comes back secretly to bring them to heaven. But is that really biblical? My bible says:
Psm 50 (v. 3) Our God shall come, and shall not keep silent; A fire shall devour before Him, and it shall be very tempestuous all around Him.
Webster's dictionary says that "Tempestuous" means: violent wind, turbulent, stormy, uproar....
Rev 1 (v. 7) Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him....
Well, if every eye will see Him, then how can it be a secret? Come and read what the bible says, about this mysterious topic; and may the truth set you free!!
The universal sin problem has inflicted mankind with guilt and shame, causing so much distress and restlessness. It is for this reason Christ gave this invitation to the discouraged of His day:[3]
Matt 11 (v. 28) “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
This invitation is offered today to everyone, through the gospel message.
Before our conversion we ate, drank, and dressed as we pleased, often abusing our bodies. But now that we belong to Christ....God wants us to do everything to His glory.[4]
I Cor 10 (v. 31) Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
Many christians are not living free and productive lives because they don't understand who they are and why they are here.[5] Discover who you are in Christ! "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:32).
The righteousness by which we are justified is imputed; the righteousness by which we are sanctified is imparted. The first is our title to heaven, the second is our fitness for heaven.[6]
The next two modules will deal with the issues that robs believers of their assurance of salvation. In this module we will discuss specifically, the elements of the Judgment and clear up any misconceptions that we have been taught.
It is commonly called the Investigative Judgment, but is viewed as “good news” because, before Christ can take the believers to heaven, He has to shut the mouth of our accuser; and that is done at the end, during the judgment portion of time!
During the time of trouble, if you have no assurance of salvation, then you will fold and give into the anti-Christ power, this includes denying Christ. So in this module we are going to discuss the issue that is depriving christians of their assurance of salvation, by comparing the main topics of the 3 gospels which are going around in the churches. Find out which two gospels represent the two ditches that the devil has planned for you to fall into.
Many people have claimed to see unexplained lights in the sky that don’t show up on radar; nor is there any physical explanation for these phenomena. What are they and where are they from?
The following personal ministries, are only for mature Christians who know & believe their true position of status, as a “son or daughter” of God.
1. Mark Finley, (1995). Beyond Orion’s Gates, p.169
2. Mark Finley, (1995). Beyond Orion's Gates, p.324
3. Savior of the world Bible Course, (2000), Lesson 15.
4. Savior of the world Bible Course, (2000), Lesson 19.
5. Neil Anderson, (2013). Victory over the darkness, p.43
6. E.G. White, The Review and Herald. (4 Jun 1895), par.7