Bible Study Lessons


 Part 1The Incredible Good News of the Gospel 

Part 2

Experiencing the Power of the Gospel

 Part 3Biblical Doctrines in the Light of the Gospel 

Part 4―Last Day Events (Eschatology)

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Putting it all Together


Pick from the "Temperament Careers and Strengths" sheet  ( Step 3B )


See below for additional Temperament descriptive information about typical career choices and strengths.  This may be helpful with a ministry placement.


Explanation of Each: ( Step 3B )
Adobe Acrobat document [434.4 KB]


List your strengths from each Temperament onto the "Multiple Assessments Information sheet" in the  ( Step 3B ) section.



( Step 4 )  Click on the file below, to see some matching possibilities with "Ministry & Church Offices" to the "Spiritual Gifts" sheet.


S.G. Matching Ministries Sheet
Adobe Acrobat document [944.4 KB]


Pick from the "Spiritual Gifts Matching Ministries Sheet" for the ministry choices that match your highest spiritual gifts from ( Step 2 ) and write in on the box for ( Step 4 ).



( Step 5 ) The Conclusion....


As you prayerfully consider the Ministry choices from ( Step 4 ), be sure to compare your Temperament strengths from ( Step 3B ) with what you will be doing, to ensure a good match.


If all this seems overwhelming, locate a nearby church that has a spiritual gifts department and seek further help with finding your place in serving the Lord.



Dear reader, God desires to use you in his service.  There is a place for you to fill in this world.  For no other purpose does he entrust men and women with talents.  If you are faithful in filling the place he desires you to fill, he will work in your behalf, and you will see of the salvation of God.[1]



1. The Atlantic Union Gleaner (16 Sep 1903) “A wise use of our talents” par.8


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