There are (9) spiritual gifts in First Corinthians chapter 12 (v. 4-11).
1 Cor 12 (v. 7) But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all....
Knowledge - has ability in accumulating information and facts, the ability to understand biblical truth with unusual clarity and insight.[1] Has information that can only be revealed by God for the purpose of applying doctrinal truth.[2]
Faith - the ability to envision God’s purposes and exhibit unusual confidence in His power to carry them out.[1] Has supernatural faith given by the Spirit to receive miracles or to believe God for miracles.[2]
Healing - the divine enablement to be God’s channel to restore people to health, also brings glory to God (Acts 3: 1-9).[1] This is supernatural healing, beyond natural means, given by the Spirit.[2]
Miracles - to be enabled by God to perform mighty deeds which witnesses acknowledge to be of supernatural origin.[3] God working through the believer’s faith, used to bring glory to the Father in heaven.
Prophecy - the special ability to "receive divine revelations from God to be communicated back to His people."[1]
Discernment - the special ability to distinguish spiritually between good and evil, genuine and false.[1]
Tongues - to speak in a language not previously learned, so unbelievers can hear God's message in their own language or for the body of Christ to be edified.[3]
Interpretation - to translate the message of someone who has spoken in tongues.[3] The special ability to translate many foreign languages being spoken into the common tongue.
1. Kim Johnson. (1997). Spiritual Body Building Manual, p.125-127, Review and Herald Graphics.
Image #1: Sandra Griffin, (n.d). Manifestation gifts. Retrieved from