There are (8) spiritual gifts, some are repeated again, in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 (v. 27-31).
1 Cor 12 (v. 27) Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually....
Apostles - literally means “one sent forth” or messenger, missionary.
An apostle establishes and builds churches; he is a church planter.[1]
( Repeated in Ephesians chpt 4 )
Prophets - to speak forth the message of God to His people.[2] Providing leadership over church bodies and maintaining authority over spiritual matters pertaining to the church.[2] ( Repeated in Ephesians chpt 4 )
Teachers - the ability to explain clearly the Word of God and to effectively apply that truth to our life. The teacher and the pastor are often a shared office, but not always. He delights in research to validate truth.[1]
( Repeated in Ephesians chpt 4 )
Miracles - to be enabled by God to perform mighty deeds which witnesses acknowledge to be of supernatural origin.[2] God working through the believer’s faith, used to bring glory to the Father in heaven. ( Repeated in 1 Corinthians chpt 12 )
Healing - the divine enablement to be God’s channel to restore people to health[3], also brings glory to God (Acts 3: 1-9). This is supernatural healing, beyond natural means, given by the Spirit.[1] ( Repeated in 1 Corinthians chpt 12 )
Helps - to support people, the ability to meet the practical, everyday needs of people around you through selfless service.[3] To render assistance to others in the body, so as to free them up for ministry.[2]
Administration - the ability to steer the body toward the accomplishment of God-given directives.[2] To organize and manage, working with and through others to achieve goals.[3]
Tongues - the ability to speak in a language unknown to the hearers, but known only to those who speak that language (Acts 2: 4-11).
3. Kim Johnson. (1997). Spiritual Body Building Manual, p.125-126, Review and Herald Graphics.
Image #1: Ministry Tools Resource Center, (2013). Members do not all have the same function. Retrieved from