(verse 18) But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased.
So, the Holy Spirit chooses the gifts that we have available to use!
Yes that is right, we don't choose the gifts; it's given to us when we accept Christ and are converted for his ministry work.
....for the spirit of the Most High is manifested in unselfish ministry. Lucifer desired God's power, but not His character. He sought for himself the highest place, and every being who is actuated by his spirit will do the same.
Thus alienation, discord, and strife will be inevitable.[1]
There are some 20 gifts described in the bible, to be used in service to God and his ministry on earth. No one person has all of the gifts, and everybody has at least one, but some will have many.
The rich man who had so many privileges is represented to us as one who should have cultivated his gifts, so that his works should reach to the great beyond, carrying with them improved spiritual advantages. It is the purpose of redemption....to give back to man those spiritual gifts lost because of sin's dwarfing power.[2]
Money cannot be carried into the next life; it is not needed there; but the good deeds done in winning souls to Christ are carried to the heavenly courts. But those who selfishly spend the Lord's gifts on themselves, leaving their needy fellow creatures without aid and doing nothing to advance God's work in the world, dishonor their Maker.[2]
Remember: The only work that is of any real value, during our lifetime here, is the work that we do for our Lord and Savior!!
Your greatest fulfillment will come from accepting and occupying God’s unique place for you to the best of your ability. Sadly, many miss their calling in life by looking for fulfillment in the world.[3]
John 10 (v. 10) ....I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
This is why I told Micah that God has called me to preach the gospel. I feel driven to tell the world about a God who loves us that much. It is my prayer that those who read the testimony in this book will learn from my experience that happiness does not come from the abundance of things. I learned the hard way that the happiness the world offers is not real. It's the Big Lie. But the joy of serving God and ministering to my fellow man is genuine, and it leaves no hangover. I know, because I tried it all![4]
1. E.G. White, The Desire of Ages, p.435, par.2
2. E.G. White, Christ's Object Lessons, p.266, par.2
3. Neil Anderson. (2013). Victory over the darkness, p.144
4. Doug Batchelor, (1991). The Richest Caveman, p.127, Mountain Ministry.
Image #1: Volvoab, (2015). The gifts of the Holy Spirit. Retrieved from http://www.volvoab.com/image/seven-gifts-of-the-holy-spirit-explained/the-power-of-the-holy-spirit
Image #2: Do Not Depart.com, (n.d.). Spiritual gifts. Retrieved from https://www.pinterest.com/pin/115686284151659424/