Bible Study Lessons


 Part 1The Incredible Good News of the Gospel 

Part 2

Experiencing the Power of the Gospel

 Part 3Biblical Doctrines in the Light of the Gospel 

Part 4―Last Day Events (Eschatology)

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Spiritual Gifts for Ministry


On the last webpage, we learned about the motivation behind your gift, the God given desire of WHY you do things.


Now we will learn about spiritual gifts, in terms of the ministries that we can be a part of.  In effect, the WHAT you will do in church, which you will enjoy.


God has a unique place of ministry for each of us.  It is important to your sense of fulfillment that you realize your calling in life.[1]


Image #1

There can be many positions or ministry opportunities available to us.


Scripture lists about twenty spiritual gifts.  No one person has all the gifts, but every believer has at least one, and some will have many.[2]


There are actually (5) spiritual gifts listed in Ephesians chapter 4 (v. 11-13).


Apostles - literally means “one sent forth” or messenger, missionary.  An apostle establishes and builds churches; he is a church planter.[3]


Prophets - to speak forth the message of God to His people.[4]  Providing leadership over church bodies and maintaining authority over spiritual matters pertaining to the church.[4]


Evangelists - to be a witness for Jesus Christ, messenger of the Gospel, skilled in sharing the good news with the unconverted.  He works for the local church to bring people into the body of Christ where they can be discipled.[3]


Pastors - called for shepherding, the ability to guide, feed and equip the members of the church in such a way that they develop a mature relationship with God.[5]


Teachers - the ability to explain clearly the Word of God and to effectively apply that truth to our life.  The teacher and the pastor are often a shared office, but not always.  He delights in research to validate truth.[3]



Those who have received only one talent (and to each is entrusted at least one), should resolve by God's grace to use it wisely.  Instead of burying it, say: "Though I have but one talent, I must make the most of it.  I will be faithful in the little things; for the Word declares, 'He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much.'  I will use to the very best advantage that which is given me.  I will not waste one jot of my powers in indulging appetite or in gratifying pride of appearance.  In my family I will strive to be a faithful parent, teaching my children to be honest and truthful, kind and patient, and training them for the future, immortal life.[6]  



1. Neil Anderson. (2013). Victory over the darkness, p.144

2. Kim Johnson. (2007). Spiritual Body Building Lessons, p.49



5. Kim Johnson. (1997). Spiritual Body Building Manual, p.127, Review and Herald Graphics.

6. E.G. White, The Atlantic Union Gleaner (16 Sep 1903) “A wise use or our talents” par.3

Image #1: Pastoral Care, Inc. (n.d.). Missing Ministry Link. Retrieved from




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